Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Spring Is On The Way

Hi again, I haven't written in a while.  I've been, to say the least, busy.  But something in this quiet, chilly night made me wonder whether I still had this blog and sure enough, I never got around to deleting it.  So instead of doing that, I'll write again.

Packing time:  my Spring stock earlier this evening and then just before leaving the studio.
Walking home from work tonight at 1am, it's -20 degrees outside (-30 with windchill).  I am wearing seven different sweaters beneath my coat, and the snow-covered ice on the streets and sidewalks adds that special "Montréal" layer of difficulty to my 8 minute commute.  My bones have been aching for spring since December, and especially in the last few days as I've been preparing my Spring deliveries.

I'm checking, tagging, packing, and invoicing around 500 pieces of clothing this week, and really hoping that the owners and clients of the stores I work with like them.  Putting all this work out into the world is like giving birth to that many babies, except that actual babies fast become their own beings, whereas my work always reflects solely on me.

It wouldn't have been 1am, I would have left sooner, but earlier in the day I had completely forgotten about a parent-teacher meeting.  Luckily my 11 year old texted from her iPad to remind me just in time for me to make it there.  Everything is great, she is a stellar student and good citizen.  I'd like to take credit for that, but as you can see I really can't.

So I went back to finish and now it is 1am, and I'm tired and freezing but several boxes are packed up and I can get a hot bagel on the way home, so everything is going to be alright.  Spring is on the way.

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